Posted by: MSirod | 21 October 2005

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  1. Zombies invade Columbia October 28th
    Calling all zombies! On October 28th at 8pm, we are gathering everyone we can to dress up as zombies, and shamble from Five Points toward the Vista, spreading good-natured mayhem along the way.
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  2. Bloggers say Gmail trademark dispute was avoidable
    Google irked some British bloggers this week by changing its free Gmail service to Googlemail in the United Kingdom in order to end a trademark dispute.
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  3. A Victory for Pork
    Bloggers discuss the defeat of the much-hyped Coburn Amendment. They also discuss a heated American Prospect critique of liberal hawks and look forward to the start of the World Series.
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  4. Loss of Winn-Dixie Jobs affects Sept. employment
    Data released today shows the number of people employed throughout the state dropped in September, a result of grocery store chain Winn-Dixie closing its stores, said economist Mark Vitner from Wachovia.
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  5. Made up Web 2.0 Word of the Week: Advercasting
    So Steve Rubel is pointing to a Wikipedia page for a new word Advercasting asking people to build it out.
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  6. A Victory for Pork
    Bloggers discuss the defeat of the much-hyped Coburn Amendment. They also discuss a heated American Prospect critique of liberal hawks and look forward to the start of the World Series.
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  8. Supervisor admits to domestic violence
    When Supervisor Frank Sieferman Jr. presented a resolution at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, he made some forthright remarks.
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    Bloggers live or die by their wits — and that especially includes those who try to make a business of it.
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  16. Crash ends flying vet’s round-the-world trip
    JULIAN RYALL A BRITISH aviator attempting to fly round the world in his vintage aircraft crash-landed in northern Japan yesterday.
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    Robopet has hit the shelves at Best Buy, and he’s much smaller than I thought he’d be! The retail price on this little robotic pet is $99, however he can be picked up through Amazon for only $79. Being the …
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  18. Conversational Marketing Demands ‘Conversation Department’
    Reacting to a column UnderScore Marketing’s Tom Hespos wrote about marketer’s fear and laziness to engage in meaningful conversations with consumers, I wrote a piece calling for the creation of a “Conversation …
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  19. SFist Tech Roundup: Tumbleweeds
    Howdy, folks! It’s been a powerful slow week for tech news, so in honor of the Fry’s in Palo Alto, we’ll take the “roundup” in the title literally and rustle us up a big heapin’ mess of western-themed blog …
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